There are up to $10,575 in winnings available in 2023. Every day is at least a $25 payout if you match the PA Lottery Pick 3 Evening Number *
*Each Month's total includes Special Payout Days that are Noted on each Lucky Lottery Calendar.
As of Wednesday, June 14, 2023: 730 of 1,000 Lucky Lottery Calendars have been sold by our volunteers. Lucky Lottery Calendar Report
2023 Luck Lottery Calendar SalesDon't miss a single opportunity to win in 2023. What's this Dollar and Dream Stuff? Buy a 2023 Lucky Lottery Calendar for $25 and EVERY day of the year could be your day and an opportunity for our kids' athletic association.
Just match the PA Lottery PICK 3 Evening Number and we'll send you a check. PLEASE COMPLETE THE CONTACT AND MAILING FORM BELOW SO THAT WE CAN SEND YOU YOUR PHYSICAL CALENDAR(S), AND ANY WINNINGS. NOTE: The $26.50 includes a surcharge for the convenience of credit card processing. We'll Mail You The Top...And we'll complete The Bottom with the info from the Contact and Mailing Information so we can track your number. |